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GRAPES VARIETIES: Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Chenin Blanc


  • 1x bottle 750ml

    The Winemakers Range of wines are typically a blend of both the Margaret River and Swan Valley wine growing regions. The riper, richer notes from the Swan Valley compliment the elegant and sophisticated flavours from the cooler climate of Margaret River. These wines are about imminent drinkability and crafted to suit a wide range of food. Or simply enjoy a chilled glass on its own. As always, enjoy in moderation.


  • WINEMAKERS blurb:

    This wine was made from Chenin Blanc, Semillon and Chardonnay grapes from both the Margaret River and Swan Valley wine growing regions. Fruit was picked in the cool of the night during the month of February 2023. Following crushing, pressing and settling, the racked juice underwent a cool fermentation in stainless steel tanks to preserve the natural fruit flavours. Well suited to a wide range of foods, or simply enjoy on its own.

Sandalford Winemakers Classic White 750ml

    • VISUAL: Classic white
    • PALATE:
      Abundant tropical fruits, citrus and passionfruit flavours abound. The aromas of the nose follow onto the palate. These flavours are carried by bright, fresh acidity leading to a sustained clean finish. Well balanced and wonderful length of flavour. A drink now style – and don’t be afraid to throw in an ice cube or two during the summer months.
  • Please read the terms and conditions of this Agreement carefully before the customer registration process and/or placing your order with the Company. 

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